Got into SF yesterday afternoon and checked the good old request lines. Once again, you all have outdone yourselves. So many great suggestions. Played through a bunch. Spent about an hour working on “Seasons in the Abyss”, the Slayer request. (Thanks Sean) Alas, it eluded me. I’m sure there is an acoustic version in there somewhere but I couldn’t find a believable way to sing “frozen eyes stare deep in your mind as you die.”

So I fell back on the open-ended request to play anything off of the new Big Thief LP. Which is a record I love made by people I love. So here is my cover of “Certainty” by Big Thief, off of their new album Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You. Thank you, Ryan, and thank you Adrianne, Buck, James, and Max. OxO
Normally I put songs behind the paywall, but this album is brand-new and incredible, and I want everyone with ears to hear it. If ya subscribe, maybe I’ll talk the Tweedy band into recording a second song from the request pile later this week.
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