Starship Casual
Chit-Chat Check-In
Chit-Chat Check-In #12: Infinite Onion Ring

Chit-Chat Check-In #12: Infinite Onion Ring

Photo credit: Mark Greenberg

Have you ever tried one of these? It didn't last quite as long as I expected it would.

New song coming tomorrow along with a little related GEAR TALKIN’™!

Starship Casual
Chit-Chat Check-In
These posts will be mostly presented as audio files. In most cases it’ll be just me giving you a little update (i.e. where I am, how things are going, etc.) I hope to also have some Chit-Chat Check-In with other people I’m around (i.e. bandmates, friends, family, strangers — and hopefully the occasional check-in will be with some of you Starship Casual clients, too.)