
Hey there Starship crew!

We recently moved, and our friends at the USPS are forwarding almost everything to our new address. But a few things haven’t made it, so is there a way to update my address with y’all to make sure any new gifts (like the CD) make it to us?

Love the content here, thanks for bringing all of us along on the ride!

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Hello Captain and crew,

Sorry to bother but I can’t seem to find my crew kit. What I mean is I’ve been a Captain’s club level subscriber from the onset and still haven’t been able to figure out what I’m doing wrong in that I have never received any of the “gifts.” I’m sure it’s a “crew” failure on my part but am clueless as to what’s happened. I’ve reached out in the past and am doing so again at this anniversary moment. Hopefully someone can assist me... beam me up Captain! BTW, thoroughly enjoyed the recent Boulder and Grand Junction shows on the recent tour, hecklers aside. ✌🏼❤️😊

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