Chit-Chat Check-In #86 Transcript

Hello, this is your Captain speaking. I've been going through songs from the Wilco catalog still, refreshing my memory about songs I've forgotten about, thinking about the Deep Cuts set we're going to do at Solid Sound this summer. 

I'm hanging out with Susie, we're both very very sad about our friend Steve Albini passing away this past week. If you told me when I was 17 years old that I would be friends with Steve Albini some day, I never would have never believed you. He definitely helped shape my life before I ever knew him. I probably wouldn't have been friends with him without Susie vouching for me, because he adored Susie. We're going to miss him a whole lot. Because there's no one like him, never was. Not anybody even close.

We're all pretty much in shock. And for all the things you see written about him, I would say there's a million more things that aren't going to get written about him. But he touched a lot of people's lives. Because he was extremely visible and present in the city of Chicago in the music community, and completely generous with everything he knew about music. And, you know, always willing to help. Eager to help.

I've been struggling with trying to figure out what to say. I was going to write something, I know a lot of people have. Susie has been spending a lot of time with Heather, and we're kind of deep inside of it, so it's hard to get my thoughts together. But I'm sure I'll have a lot more to say at some point. We loved him, and we love all the people that I think he would consider his people. 

Anyway, here's a song from Schmilco that hardly ever gets played. Carry on.