Jeff: Hello, this is your Captain speaking from the buzzing hive of the main .... control room of the Starship Casual. I'm sitting here with my children and Tom Schick, who just went to the bathroom. And we're all spending time in the studio, messing around, just getting stuff going, different tracks ...
For some reason I thought of this track I made a long time ago called "Country Mile." Originally it was called "Blewz," B-L-E-W-Z." That was before it had lyrics, I guess. "Country Mile" is a much better title. Spencer on drums, I think it's me on everything else. It's just a track that's just a little anomaly that hasn't found a home, but that's the kind of stuff that just accumulates here on the Starship Casual.
Sammy, do you have anything to add?
Sammy: Excited for the Cubs game.
Jeff: Oh my god, blow my cover.
Sammy: Well isn't it coming out after?
Jeff: We're going to a Cubs game. I have a lot of fans from where I'm from, and they still can't wrap their heads around that.
Anyway, let's see ... Sammy's all tuckered out from having seen two back-to-back Alan Sparhawk shows last night. How were they?
Sammy: Very, very invigorating.
Jeff: Revelatory?
Sammy: That would be one word you could use. Many, many, many superlatives to describe it, tough. Transcendent ...
Jeff: OK, let's just use that.
Sammy: Exuberant ...
Jeff: Exuberant ... Susie's milling about on the brig. Is that what they call it? The bridge?
Spencer: The brig is the prison.
Jeff: Yeah, the brig is the prison. I apologize. She's over there wandering around ... she has the keys to the brig, and she's wandering around the bridge with Mark.
There's a lot going on, and I just wanted to get something out for people to listen to, and say hi, and do the Substack thing ...
(Noise in the background)
Oh my god Susie, I can hear you cursing.
Susie: What?
Jeff: I'm doing a Chit-Chat Check-In and you're cursing, and I can hear it. It's on ...
Susie: Oh my god, why didn't you tell me?
Jeff: Well I didn't expect you to start yelling curse words.
Mark: This is all gold.
Spencer: Mom's haircut looks good.
Jeff: Yeah, Mom looks cute.
Susie: I feel like barfing.
Jeff: Hmm, OK. Carry on.