Chit-Chat Check-In #71 Transcript
Hello, this is your Captain speaking. This is sort of a Chit-Chat Check-In, this is sort of a song. I'm just going to play a little bit, and talk a little bit, at the same time. Or in the same post.
A lot of people have been saying that the song "Evicted" sounds like "Raspberry Beret" by Prince. And I don't really hear it. So I got out my guitar and I learned "Raspberry Beret." And I put "Evicted" in the same key as "Raspberry Beret" so I could play them kinda side-by-side. And I thought you might want to hear a little bit of that and why I don't think they sound alike.
(Jeff plays "Raspberry Beret")
So that's the chorus of "Raspberry Beret."
(More "Raspberry Beret")
And that's the verse. I don't know all the words for the verse. I looked at them, and there are some things that I feel are out of my skill set to sing. And some things that I don't relate to in terms of romantic conquest. I'm not here to criticize Prince's lyrics, but I also like that he says she's not that bright. I mean I DON'T like that. It's like ... I can't say that. But now I'm questioning the Freudian slip of saying that I like he said she wasn't that bright. Now I'm confused. But I really don't like it. It feels like something I wouldn't be able to sing.
Anyway, so that's what that song sounds like on acoustic guitar when I'm playing it. And here's ....
(Jeff plays "Evicted")
See, they're nothing alike. I'll even do the chorus.
(More "Evicted")
I don't think that Price would ever say that he "deserved" that, also. Underlining the differences in the lyrical stance of the two songs, which is important to me to underline. But Prince is a genius, and "Raspberry Beret," if I'm being completely honest, is a way better song. But I didn't rip it off, and I certainly didn't rip it off intentionally. I just thought it was fun to compare the two, see if I could play "Raspberry Beret" for you. And I gave up for the reasons we just discussed.
If you want to hear a full version of "Evicted," well there's one out there to listen to, and there may even be an acoustic version on here, I can't remember. If there isn't, I'll do one for you. And that would be fun, and fairly expedient. The "Raspberry Beret" cover--gosh--that might take years for me to get my vocals in shape. But if you really want it, I'll dig in. It also has a crazy bridge. Those string parts ....
(More "Raspberry Beret")
This has been my Prince Ted Talk. It is a fun chorus to sing. Carry on.