Chit-Chat Check-In #109 Transcript
Hello, this is your Captain speaking. Coming at you live from (laughs) ... actually, this will be a recording. It's not live ... from the control room at The Loft. Making some new music, kind of what I do a lot. It's been going great.
Just wanted to say hi quickly. Sharing a song called "Hints." It's an early version--I think it's the first version--of a song that ended up on Cruel Country. I wish it, maybe, had lost some of its resonance, but it doesn't seem to be heading that way anytime soon.
And we haven't done this in a while, but I would love to hear recommendations or ideas about songs I could cover. I like it when we all throw out ideas and I get to pick from them and learn a song, sometimes one that I'm not as familiar with. A lot of times something that, I don't know, feels appropriate.
And one of the other things that I don't know if we've done here a whole lot, but I think it's good, and I like to see communication like this in the comments. Book recommendations are, maybe, a really important thing at this moment in our nation's history.
And that's all I've really got. Let's keep talking. Let's keep hanging in there. Where you can love each other, I think you should.
Tom: What are you reading now?
That's Tom. I forget the actual title of it. It's about the Faustian Bargain. It's a history of the Faustian Bargain. You can probably find it by looking that up. I don't know why that would be resonant at this moment in time (laughs). But it is. It's a pretty old story, and maybe there's some comfort in how old that story is, and how it usually ends up. Maybe there's some comfort in that. Because, spoiler alert, it doesn't go well (laughs).
All right. Carry on.