Hey Jeff! I so appreciate your music and books - thank you! Was wondering about the name for the new album. Does "Cousin" have anything to do with the TV show "The Bear", where Wilco music has been prominent and several of the characters call each other cousin?

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Ok, I guess now I REALLY have to watch The Bear... everyone tells me to watch it because it's so good, but my first job was in food service and it was so stressful that I still have nightmares about it 35 years later. I am afraid the tv program will aggravate some lurking PTSD. But Wilco songs would assuage that, I think.

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Be careful, I've never worked in food service and the show has given me nightmares about my time in food service! Lol, it is a fantastic show though, and hearing Wilco in so many episodes is superb sonic icing on the cake!

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I have to admit my wife has tired of me yelling "it's wilco, it's wilco" every time another song shows up in an episode...

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Yes. The Bear is excellent. Season one, episode seven “Review” is a twenty minute rollercoaster ride that will have you directly facing your fears or running to hide under your bed, all to an intense live version of Spiders (Kidsmoke). I never worked in the food service industry, but it sure made me feel empathy for anyone who has. Riveting!

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It's so good, Heather! But I totally get it being a trigger for food service trauma! It can be super intense. But it's also triumphant in how (over time) the characters grow and learn to communicate, support and respect each other. So it's got some heavy healing going on too! :)

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Same here. I avoid watching any hospitality-related tv show or film for this very reason.

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This is a good question. I've watched a total of two episodes of "The Bear" and have enjoyed it, but haven't got hooked on it.. Now that I'm done watching the latest season of "What We Do in the Shadows" I'm looking for a new show. I'll give it another try.

If I could add to this question: What criteria does the Captain have for usage of songs in TV or movies? Like, do you need to be assured of the artistic relevance? Or is the royalty check enough as long as the project isn't something awful? (ETA: no judgement, everybody has to make a living)

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I really recommend "Breeders," which is about to wrap up its fourth season on FX and is available on Hulu.

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If you could only play one guitar for the rest of your life, which would it be and why?

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This is a bit of a lengthy question, but I feel important. When Indiana; under pence (BOO), passed that draconian abortion law you/Wilco boycotted playing that state until it was repealed. You took a powerful stand and stuck with it. There was some blow back, but I think overwhelmingly supportive. We now have the red states attacking everything in their fascist move to the extreme right (abortion, anti LGBTQ, anti immigrants, racists learning theories replacing history and facts & the list goes on & on). What are your feeling's now re playing these states and would you & the boys ever consider not playing them until love, intelligence and empathy come back to these backward states. I understand those fans inthose states would "suffer", but the battle is so much bigger I feel

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Sean, I agree with you somewhat but that could deprive Wilco fans like myself from seeing them as I live in MO. home of cowardly Josh Hawley. I hope for an end of Trump ism and for those caught in his cult to somehow wake up and leave the dark side.

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Florida resident feeling this question HARD.

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I say cut it off and set it afloat

Red states take fed monies

Blue pay the fed

Tired of financing little dictators

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Can you help me move, first? Everybody saying to just let FL go forgets all of us stuck here!

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I was talking to a person I know who works for the city here. I said you guys should get a fund together to offer financial help to people from red states the chance to move to our awesome state!

We need good people and those states do not deserve you as they prove draconian action after draconian law

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Howdy Cap! Thanks for the never ending fountain of lovely and soul filled music. As if you aren’t busy enough, I would love to know the status of the Loose Fur album I believe was partially or fully recorded a while back. Thank you

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Did you ever consider recording "A Lifetime to Find" as a duet since it's a call-and-response between you and Death? I think John would have made a great Death. Would you ever consider performing this song as a duet, with someone else singing Death's verses?

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"John would be a great death" 💯💯

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What advice would you give to a new band made up of 40 somethings with families and jobs but still want to make an impact with their music?

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(and thank you for wording it as "make an impact" and not "make it"...it isn't about fame or anything, just feeling like it is all WORTH something)

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Definitely feeling this question Nick.

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This is me and what I'm doing is releasing music and building community via Substack. Highly recommended!

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Jeffy - you are on the road a lot, seemingly non-stop post-COVID. Is it more 'just part of the job' and you semi-robotically go from town to town, or do you enjoy discovering something new about the towns you visit - and perhaps yourself as a result - that you might not get when in the comforts of your own home? Do you think travel/touring can make you a better songwriter/performer?

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Jeff, Will any of the Iceland shows from earlier this year be released as Roadcases?

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How are you?

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Favorite thing you ate in Europe on this run

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Ahoy! I’m curious what music does the band listen to on the tour bus? What are you all digging lately?

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Maybe talk a little more about the new album and collaborating with Cate? Really looking forward to the record.

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Part question, part statement...

I began writing songs after reading “How To Write One Song”. I then formed a band named “Cracked & Hooked”. One of my favorite things to hear from people is that those things have inspired them to create things. It’s the best feeling to know that. My band just won a few awards here in our SE Michigan county (best new band, best rock band, best local album) and YOU inspired it at the start.

How does all of that make you feel?

I hope it at least makes you smile.

I’m beyond proud of myself.

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Sep 7, 2023
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Love to hear it and thank you!!

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Hi Jeffy, is there a guitar that you sold and later regretted?

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I just want to say, in a respectful yet firm tone, that I think we've all waited long enough for the second volume of The Loft Acoustic Sessions. Make it happen, Captain.

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Appreciation post about Wilco t-shirts! Thanks for carrying the brand of comfort colors 100% cotton tshirts. I hope one day all merch gets switched to that brand. I love a good cotton heavy T-shirt. They hide my fat better lol. Since the about asking questions. What’s your favorite everyday shoe?

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Me too!

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