Wear out your welcome?? Not in this lifetime…..

Stay safe in those storms please dear Captain and Eric and all……but only stop/slow sending if it’s U who needs a break……..I think I speak for the majority of clients in this instance. Being on the receiving end of Starship Casual is a rare delight …. a little spark of light in these dark and stormy times. From where I stand anyway🌿

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Yes!! Well said.

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Me too!❤️

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I totally agree.

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We WANT you to fill our inboxes. What are you, kidding? 💜

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What the world needs now is Jeff sweet Jeff

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And his daily words in our inboxes

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Love hearing your voice! ♥️

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Take a break if you need, but I am in Melbourne, Australia and the two largest cities in Australia, along with many regional areas are currently in lockdown. As a schoolteacher, currently chained to my three screens and struggling to do my job and look after my family most days (like most of my comrades) I look forward to checking your posts which always brighten my day and bring me back to a happier reality. Thank you.

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I love hearing your voice. It's Thursday and there's no Tweedy Show. Real life is weird.

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I have surprisingly strong, positive feelings about the addition of mesmerizing, sped-up, sort-of-ambient video to these chit-chats. No need to take a break on my account!

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Breaks are cool, but emails from the captain of this starship are the best thing in my inbox so no worries on your welcome wearing out on my part💜💕✨✨✨ have a great show in Asheville- beautiful place!💜💜💕💕💜💜💜

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Go on with your bad self, Jeff! I doubt you’ll ever wear out your welcome with us over here.

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aye aye, Captain!

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Please keep sending! I’m about a hour and a half south of you and we are getting storms. Stay safe!! Saw you Saturday night in Atlanta!! Wished you would of played longer. ❤️

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Wish they coulda! There was a curfew!

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That’s what I figured. It was spot in for ending at 11.

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Stay safe and we’re here for you when you check back in. The return to the road is bumpy, of course! ☮️

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It's always fun when the Starship Casual sets down in my inbox! But if it's getting to be a hassle for you? I get it. Three-quarters of my family had a blast at the Asheville show. The remaining 25% was pretty much just annoyed at me. I should probably submit a question to Ask Jeffy about that kid.

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Oh no! Your casuals in my inbox is my only reason to check my email daily. Sigh. No pressure though, captain! Just say anything. Daily. Happy I'm at least on the right side of the paywall.

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You guys rocked tonight! You all sound amazing! Thanks for a great show in Asheville!

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Good morning from the other side of the world, Sean Penh, capital of Cambodia! Love your posts, but take care of yourself and do what you feel you need to do to keep yourself sane, safe and happy (that would be a good name for a legal practice, wouldn't it? Years ago I remember seeing a sign somewhere for a solicitor's practice in the UK called Bean, Gawne and Dunnett. And I think Pink Floyd 'Nice Pair' LP had a pic on the cover of a dental practice... Dr. WR Phang?? ) Going down another wormhole here... anyway, hope you have a great gig!

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